We've all been there. We've all had days where we just feel, how do I put this... like ick!! We feel overweight, out of shape, unattractive, blah, blah. I hear from clients all of the time. "I want to have our family portraits taken but I want to loose weight first." Or, "I don't want maternity pictures because I just feel so big". Trust me, I know. I didn't have professional maternity pictures taken (just look below) because I felt the same way. I gained 60 pounds and I really did not want to remember feeling that 'large'. But now, do I regret it? Absolutely! I have very few pictures of my precious belly. And do you think the mother who just lost her husband wishes she had that family portrait taken before it was too late? What do you think? So my point here is please don't wait. None of us know if we'll have tomorrow or next week or next year. I don't care how you get your pictures taken. (Well I do, but hey, if want cheesy fake backgrounds and artificial lighting, go ahead.) Just capture those moments, those bellies, those oh so precious smiles any way you can. And if you want them to really shine, call me!! I'd be honored.
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